The Friends of Monserrate, founded in 1992, are recognised as an organization of volunteers commited to promoting public awareness of Monserrate and to raising funds towards its restoration and maintenance.


For many years, the Friends of Monserrate Association and the Parks of Sintra - Monte da Lua have been developing a constructive collaborative relationship in safeguarding and enhancing the natural and built heritage of the Monserrate Park.

Located in the Serra de Sintra, a few kilometers from the Atlantic, Monserrate is a historic, romantic and exotic garden with a unique collection of sub-tropical plants as well as trees and conifers. It is one of the best known European Gardens and a wonderful example of an English garden in Portugal. Thanks to its unique and privileged climate, Monserrate acts as a huge open-air greenhouse measuring about 30 hectares, where hundreds of species live in full harmony.

Architectural elements of rare beauty and of great historical importance, such as the Palace - a mix of Gothic, Moorish and Oriental styles - as well as statues, waterfalls and lakes, complement this unique Garden where Nature and Man live in total harmony.

Friends of Monserrante

When becoming a member you will help us to ensure a future for the Historic Garden, as well as to support diverse activities organised by the Friends. You will also benefit from a free entrance to the Monserrate Park.

Please fill in the registration form and bank transfer procedure. Please include your name in the transfer details and send us the evidence:

Bankinter - Lisboa - Associação Amigos de Monserrate
IBAN (Internacional Bank Account Number) - PT50 0269 0103 0020 0516 7225 8

You can contact us by email through

The minimum membership fees are:

  • Student - 15€
  • Individual - 50€
  • Family - 60€
  • Entities - 125€
  • Resident Abroad - 20€


Associação Amigos de Monserrate
Parque de Monserrate
2710-405 Sintra

Amigos de Monserrate
Associação Amigos de Monserrate Parque de Monserrate 2710-405 Sintra, Portugal
+351 91 675 80 11 FB Twitter logo