MAAT - Guided tour of Vihls' exhibitions: “Prisms and Interferences” and “Emerging Urban Cultures” | April 28, at 11:00 am

Museu da Arte, Arquitectura e Tecnologia

MAAT - Guided tour of Vihls' exhibitions: “Prisms and Interferences” and “Emerging Urban Cultures” | April 28, at 11:00 am

The Associação Amigos de Monserrate (AAM) will, once again, organize a Guided Tour of the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (MAAT) on the 28th of April (Thursday), at 11:00 am.

This Visit will have as its main theme the two Vihls Exhibitions, mentioned above, which have had a huge influx of public.

The price of the Guided Tour is €10 per person.

In order not to waste time, the AAM Board is thinking of buying the group's tickets in advance, so it is appreciated that, whoever is interested in participating,  register, until the 27th of April, for the following contacts:

Dinah Azevedo Neves - TM: 969 337 124

Manuela Lopo Tuna - TM: 916 758 011


We will be waiting for you at the entrance to the Museum.

Thank you for arriving 10 minutes early.

We count on the participation of all!


Vhils — Prism

Alexandre Farto, aka Vhils, presents to the public, at maat, a monumental and unexpected proposal that uses exclusively video, a language that the Portuguese artist has been exploring more recently. Prisma is an exhibition composed of a set of images representing everyday life in nine metropolises: Mexico City, Cincinnati, Hong Kong, Lisbon, Los Angeles, Macau, Paris, Beijing and Shanghai, where the artist has made, over the last few years, important works of public art.

This large-scale installation, with slow motion recordings projected onto screens that transform the Oval Gallery space into a convincing urban labyrinth, provides the visitor with a truly immersive experience, in a construction that manipulates and distorts effects of space, scale and light.

Developed in a global context, before the pandemic crisis, the installation involves us in banal environments in which the individuality of each city, as well as the identity of its inhabitants, is lost. However, when visiting these anonymous spaces, visitors have the opportunity to regain their autonomy through a critical detachment that results in an exercise of contemplation, introspection and reflection on a recent past that seems to us, after all, so far away.



Emerging Urban Cultures

The cultural diversity that characterizes the city of Lisbon does not soften the many stories of a segmented and antagonistic metropolis. Interferes is an exhibition that affirms different expressions of urban culture, exploring narrative itineraries of the city through a dialogue that privileges the museum as a critical space, a meeting place between various communities and sensitivities – those installed who frequent it and those who are subalternized who are unaware of it – , starting point for new beginnings. The maat thus becomes a stage for timeless utopias and struggles, emerging tensions, stories told and yet to be told.

Organized in nuclei, the exhibition addresses various themes that structure the design of the metropolis, generating dialogues between this stage and its actors. These are also the themes that set the tone for an agenda of events that contributes to the narrative of Interferences, part of which it is intended to generate contributions that will integrate the exhibition, making it a dynamic project revealed over the six months in which it will be on display to the public.

Seeking to give visibility to other dimensions of the city, Interferes puts in dialogue works by contemporary artists who use the streets as a context of expression and experimentation and works from institutional and private collections, highlighting alternative narratives that aim to challenge the public, inviting them to reflect on what cities, urban spaces and artistic and cultural institutions can be built by adding new voices to this process.

Amigos de Monserrate
Associação Amigos de Monserrate Parque de Monserrate 2710-405 Sintra, Portugal
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