
Paulo Lowndes Marques was, since the establishment of the Association of the Friends of Monserrate, one of its main figures. His knowledge and legal expertise, his good sense and humour, manifested during the exercise of the function of President of the General Assembly, will always be remembered by
O nosso associado João Sande Freitas, um dos grandes estudiosos e conhecedores da história de Monserrate, chamou-nos a atenção para um artigo em inglês sobre um possível quadro de Leonardo da Vinci que fez parte da colecção de William Beckford. A sê-lo, é provável que tenha sido comprado pelo...
"André Le Nôtre" by Erik Orsenna , Moishe Black (Translator) Braziller, George Inc, 2001
Guided visit to the chalet of the Countess of Edla, Parque da Pena The Friends of Monserrate will organise, in a date to announce, a guided visit to the Chalet of the Countess of Edla in the Parque da Pena, with the collaboration of Parques de Sintra Monte da Lua. The visit will be led by...
Natural landscape
Words Nowadays I keep thinking of words I came across many years ago in the Turin Book Fair – “Read and get over your cares” … I must admit words are magical, because it is through them that we convey our thoughts. Through them we forgive, love, suffer, cherish, hope, dream and travel...
Dear Friends of Monserrate, We would like to thank all those that joined us for the inauguration of the Valley of the Roses, an occasion which will stay in our memories and in the History of the Association of the Friends of Monserrate (AAM).
It was in the Summer of 1992, the year of the Friends of Monserrate official launch, that I first ventured into the Rose Valley.  After many years of neglect, the valley had been cleared in 1987 by a a group of Canadian gardeners led by Gerald Luckhurst.  
The renovated Vale das Rosas (Valley of Roses) was inaugurated on 29 March 2011 by Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Princess of Cornwall. Awaiting them at the Monserrate Palace was present a group of more than 90 Friends of Monserrate, together with the British community resident..
The restoration of the Rose Garden is the most important project currently being undertaken by the Friends of Monserrate.  It is situated in one of the three main valleys of the Garden, the other two being the Fern Valley and “Mexico”.



Amigos de Monserrate
Associação Amigos de Monserrate Parque de Monserrate 2710-405 Sintra, Portugal
+351 91 675 80 11 FB Twitter logo